/ Kursdetails
Veranstaltung 241G1176 wurde in den Warenkorb gelegt.

Conditionals Theory and Practice (B1)

Der Kurs liegt bereits im Warenkorb
Kursnummer 241G1176
Beginn Do., 11.07.2024, 13:00 - 14:30 Uhr
Kursgebühr 15,00 €
Dauer 1 Termine
Kursleitung Dr. Cassandra Spaan
You either sort of know your conditionals or learned them quite some time ago, but can’t remember them properly - or, perhaps you feel uncertain about the differences between the three. When do you use First Conditional? What is Third Conditional again? Here, we will briefly revise them and then you will get more than sufficient time to put your knowledge into practice, so you’ll easily remember them, next time they are needed.

Der Kurs liegt bereits im Warenkorb

13:00 - 14:30 Uhr
Lüpertzender Straße 85, VHS am Sonnenhausplatz;3.Stock;Raum 301